Missouri Missions Offering

Dear Church Leader,

You may recall reading in 1 Chronicles how King David pitched a tent in Jerusalem for the Ark of the Covenant. Then, with great fanfare, the Levites carried the ark from Obed-edom’s tent to its rightful place in the City of David. Burnt offerings and fellowship offerings to the Lord followed the joyful procession as David declared:

Let the whole earth sing to the LORD. Proclaim his salvation from day to day (1 Chron. 16:23).

Today, Missouri Baptists share the privilege of proclaiming the Lord’s salvation by contributing to His work in the hearts of people across our state.

The Rheubin L. South Missouri Missions Offering (MMO) supports more than two dozen ministries. These include Christian foster care, disaster relief, prison ministry, and other mission projects that advance the gospel. Check out the Allocations Budget, How MMO Supports Associations, and Where Your Gifts Go in the pages ahead to learn more. Then, place your order.

All materials listed in this packet are provided free of charge – whether you download or order them from the MBC. Our goal this year is $760,000, and our Week of Prayer is September 8-15. Prayerfully consider how your church can help proclaim the Lord’s salvation through your generous gifts to MMO.

Dr. Wes Fowler
MBC Executive Director

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