Apologetics Network Member

Don Stenberg

Lay Leader
Selmore Baptist Church
Ozark, MO

Biographical Information:
Don Stenberg and his wife have eight kids. Don received a Master of Divinity in 2012 from Cornerstone Seminary. He has conducted research on flood geology and accelerated radioactive decay. The Journal of Creation published one of Stenberg's papers in 2012 solving the 'heat problem' associated with accelerated radioactive decay while also proposing this heat as a physical cause of the flood. In 2023, he presented a paper at the International Conference on Creationism proposing that the same accelerated decay event that caused the flood on earth also caused internal heating, volcanism, and thermal expansion cracking on the moon, Mars, and elsewhere in the solar system.

Topics Covered:
Creation apologetics; intelligent design; flood geology.
Don is the author of an apologetics novel, Overseer, available at Amazon.
Phone: 706-968-6175
