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Five Ways To Promote CP

Five Ways to Promote CP

October is Cooperative Program Month, and Southern Baptists all across the country will celebrate CP Day October 1. Here are five simple ideas for helping your church learn more about the eternal impact of the Cooperative Program. By the way, all of the following resources may be downloaded or ordered free of charge.

  1. Show a video. Most CP videos are 1-3 minutes in length, ideal for a worship or Bible-study setting. Choose from among several highlighted videos.
  2. Use flyers and bulletin inserts to teach your congregation about how the Cooperative Program helps Missouri Baptists carry out the Great Commission. This includes the insert, “Missouri Baptists and the Cooperative Program.”
  3. Give each member of your congregation a bookmark that informs them about the Cooperative Program in Missouri.
  4. Hang up copies of the posters, “How the Cooperative Program Works” and “How Your Cooperative Program Dollar is Invested.”
  5. Distribute the updated children’s activity book, Let’s Share! Order copies online or by calling the MBC.

Also, check out the free resources from the Southern Baptist Convention – including dozens of compelling videos.

The Cooperative Program is the fuel for mission efforts in Missouri and around the world. Missouri Baptists see the value of faithful giving and the benefits of working cooperatively to change lives and communities with the gospel.
