Join us for a dinner honoring your vital ministry.
Executive Director Wes Fowler and the staff of the Missouri Baptist Convention are hosting a dinner for bi-vocational pastors and their wives Oct. 28 at the MBC Annual Meeting in St. Charles.
The dinner begins at 5:15 p.m. in the Jr. Ballroom of the St. Charles Convention Center. It features a welcome and “thank you” message from Fowler, as well as gifts for each pastor.
“I am so grateful for the ministry of bi-vocational pastors across our state,” said Fowler. “They are oftentimes the unsung heroes of Missouri Baptist life. While they may not regularly be in the spotlight, the Lord sees their faithfulness, and the MBC appreciates their dedication. We simply want to acknowledge the faithful ministry of our bi-vocational pastors, as well as their wives, and encourage them to continue serving the Lord.”
There is no cost to attend the dinner, but registration by Oct. 18 is required.