Amendment 3 Resources

Stand for Life on Election Day!

A pro-abortion measure is on the ballot Nov. 5 in Missouri. It’s titled “Right to Reproductive Freedom.” It’s important that Missouri Baptists understand the threat this measure poses to unborn life, and the responsibility we shoulder to stand for life on Election Day.

A “no” vote means that Missouri’s current pro-life laws would remain on the books. Missouri has historically been a leader in the pro-life movement, with strong laws that reflect the value we place on life at all stages.

A “yes” vote supports amending the Missouri Constitution to provide the right for “reproductive freedom,” prevents the state Legislature from enacting any law to protect ​​the preborn prior to “fetal viability,” and allows late-term abortion if keeping the child would affect the mother’s “mental health.”

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024.

Links to Pro-Life Resources:

Vote No on Amendment 3

Chris Williams, MBC President

Church Involvement in Politics

Chris Williams, MBC President

Cassidy's Story

Video provided by the MBC Christian Life Commission

Emma's Story

Video provided by Concord Baptist Church, Jefferson City
